The 2021 holiday season always brings alot of excitement to Bauer!


During Thanksgiving, Bauer Executives personally had a turkey out to EVERY. SINGLE. EMPLOYEE. This is an annual tradition that doesn't have any plans on being broken!

Bauer Owners and Turkeys turkey handoff turkey handoff2


Shortly after we returned from the Thanksgiving holiday break, Bauer emarked on a new endeavor! We partnered with the Salvation Army and participated in their Angel Tree Project. 

Angel Tree  angeltree closeup  

30 children had their wishlists sent to us, and WOW! did our staff deliver! Every single child got what was on their wishlist. WAY TO GO BAUER!

angeltreetoys toys in the car


Just before the end of year break, Bauer celebrated the holiday with a party! Complete with bowling, catering and gifts, it was a great way to wrap up the year! A BIG congratulations goes out to the bowling team with the highest score! 

bowling bowling2 bowling winner


As we get revved up for a great 2022 we welcome many new faces to our team! We welcome a new Operations Manager, a Quality Engineer and many new shop employees.